Sunday, December 5, 2010

Communication Station - 7

Going off of the small amounts of information I found out about Corpus Christi, I imagined there needed to be a way of incorporating its importance into the audience's experience.

So what could I do? Would the actors shout out a few fun facts before going on their way? Could I set up a board on which the audience could view these things? But how would I move it around? And hey, how about the actual way the audience members KNEW the characters between play and book?

But then a light bulb went off! Honestly, it should have gone off earlier. I decided I would create a program. And I did!....though it's more of a brochure, but it's pretty dang neat. There weren't a lot of template options that ranged within the theatre spectrum, but I got the necessary information down that I wanted to convey to the audience.

Check it out!

Password: theatrehistory

Click on The Last Judgment project box and then click on OPEN in the righthand column box that appears. The inner pages of my brochure will come up. Use the tabs at the bottom to click between outer and inner pages. Enjoy!

Works Cited
-My Brochure Maker. 2010.
-Kupka, Mike. "The Great Lion."
Fascination St. Animation Art. 2010.

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