Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mobile Music - 8

While delving into the realm of YouTube, I came across a video that was made by the same makers as the previous video I linked to. Watching and listening to the musicians, I realized what a relief it must have been to have them there. Check it out here.

They made the assembling of the wagon and arrangement of actors go by much quicker (a definite plus, as the time in which the audience has to watch anything beyond the performance is excruciating). I liked the use of instruments that had the feel of medieval times about them, and thought it might be fun to use those kinds of instruments, but with music from the Narnia movies.

So. If you can jam those two together in your mind, you've got the music which the hired musician-actors of this production would be playing as they moved from site to site (and would continue playing as the set-up went underway).

Works Cited
York Mystery Plays. "York 2010 St. Samsons Sq." Perf. by the Players of Heslington Church and the Taborers Society. 2010. < v="1iAvLVZVEvw">

Gregson-Williams, Harry. "Narnia Theme Song." Walt Disney. 2008. < v="f16ZMYW99eg">

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